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Contact Us

Please contact us if you need more information about our services or have questions of any kind, concerns or suggestions. We want to help you by every means possible.

Working Hours

Monday to Friday: 24 hours
Saturday and Sunday: 10:00 – 00:00 (CET)
24 hours a day, 7 days a week

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Cancellation Policies

-72 hours prior the flight the penalty will be 25%

-48 hours prior the flight the penalty will be 50%

-24 hours prior the flight the penalty will be 100%

Outstanding circumstances:

Prestige Wings is not responsible for cancellations due to poor weather conditions. It is recommended that passengers acquire travel insurance, which should cover the costs derived from delays or cancellations of this type. 

If a flight is canceled because of any of (but not limited to) the following circumstances, which would not have been possible to avoid: Air traffic control, Climate, Security alerts, strikes, Flight safety eventualities, Accidents, Runway closures Prestige Wings will not be responsible for any compensation. However, Prestige Wings will help passenger to reprogram travel to destination on the following flight pending availability.

The airline may change, cancel, alter or delay the itinerary of any flight at any time for safety reasons or for forces beyond our control that justify such changes.